Tax Resolution

Strategic Tax Resolution

Resolving Tax Challenges with Expert Guidance

In our Tax Resolution service, we specialize in navigating complex tax challenges, providing strategic solutions to individuals and businesses alike. Whether facing audits, liens, or other tax-related issues, our experienced team at NY Income Tax Specialist offers expert guidance and tailored strategies to resolve these challenges effectively. We work diligently to find the best possible resolution, alleviating the burden of tax-related concerns and ensuring your financial well-being.

How We Can Help

  • Strategic Tax Assessment: Evaluate your tax situation strategically for effective resolution.
  • Negotiation with Tax Authorities: Engage with tax authorities, negotiating optimal solutions for tax challenges.
  • Offer in Compromise Services: Facilitate the Offer in Compromise process for reduced tax liabilities and favorable settlements.
  • Audit Representation: Provide expert representation during tax audits, ensuring a comprehensive and strategic defense.
  • Lien and Levy Resolution: Strategize to resolve tax liens and levies, working towards favorable outcomes.
  • Installment Agreement Assistance: Help establish manageable installment agreements for individuals and businesses.
  • Penalty Abatement Services: Advocate for the reduction or elimination of tax penalties through strategic negotiations.
  • Comprehensive Tax Consultations: Offer detailed consultations to address specific tax challenges and provide tailored solutions.

$350 Discovery Fee

Discovery fees includes an overview of situation with a proposed introduction of how our services can address your solution and fees that will be charged to resolve your case.

$0 for current clients

Tax Resolution

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What types of tax issues can your Tax Resolution service address?

    Our Tax Resolution service is designed to address various tax challenges, including audits, liens, levies, and other tax-related issues.

  • How does the negotiation process with tax authorities work?

    We engage with tax authorities on your behalf, presenting a strategic case to negotiate optimal solutions for your specific tax challenges.

  • What is an Offer in Compromise, and how does it benefit me?

    An Offer in Compromise is a settlement option that aims to reduce tax liabilities. We guide you through the process, seeking favorable resolutions.

  • Can your service assist with penalties incurred due to tax issues?

    Yes, we provide Penalty Abatement services, advocating for the reduction or elimination of tax penalties through strategic negotiations.

  • How do I get started with your Tax Resolution service?

    To get started, schedule a comprehensive tax consultation with our team. We will assess your situation and provide guidance on the best course of action for resolution.

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